Prometheus Foundation’s Mission and People

Our Mission:
Promote Ayn Rand and Advance Objectivism

Prometheus Foundation is an independent, nonprofit enterprise whose mission is to promote Ayn Rand and advance her philosophy, Objectivism. We achieve this mission by finding and funding independent thinkers who have good ideas, work smart, follow through, and get things done.

Ayn Rand wrote:

I regard the spread of Objectivism through today’s culture as an intellectual movement—i.e., a trend among independent individuals who share the same ideas—not as an organized movement…. I want, therefore, to make it emphatically clear that Objectivism is not an organized movement….

I shall not establish or endorse any type of school or organization purporting to represent or be a spokesman for Objectivism….

If students, supporters, or friends of Objectivism wish to form local groups of their own—for such purposes as the study, discussion, and dissemination of Objectivist ideas—they’re welcome to do so. They can be of great value and help the spread of Objectivism, and will earn my sympathetic interest and sincere appreciation—provided they do not attempt to act as spokesmen for Objectivism and do not associate or collaborate with Objectivism’s avowed enemies.

—Ayn Rand, a statement of policy, part 1, The Objectivist, vol. 5, June 1968.

We think individuals and organizations acting separately or together in the spirit of entrepreneurship can and will advance Objectivism more effectively than an organized movement ever could. Thus, Prometheus Foundation works to help create and support a network of such independent thinkers and people of action.

Carl Barney:
Founder and Donor

Carl Barney founded Prometheus Foundation to advance the philosophy that has helped him become successful, so that other people can discover and benefit from it, too.

He discovered Ayn Rand in 1980 and has used Objectivism to guide his life and business ventures ever since.

Carl created his wealth by developing a network of private colleges, including twenty on-ground campuses. Subsequently, he created Independence University, an online university offering Associate’s, Bachelor’s, and Master’s Degrees in healthcare, computer science, graphic arts, and business and accounting. The colleges are now owned and operated by the nonprofit Center for Excellence in Higher Education.

For more information on why Carl created Prometheus Foundation, read his Founder/Donor’s Intent.

Carl has served on various boards, including the Ayn Rand Institute and the Cato Institute, and he currently serves on the board of the Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism. For more information and to read Carl’s personal writings, visit

Our Staff

Daniel T. Richards

Daniel T. Richards

Executive Director

Daniel T. Richards is an entrepreneur, rhetorician, and leading expert on how to market ideas. In 2021, he co-founded Return on Ideas, a creative studio and marketing agency serving champions of liberty, responsibility, and individual rights. Previously, Daniel served as the Federalist Society’s Vice President of Digital. Daniel holds a Master of Arts degree in Professional Communication from Clemson University. 

Annie Vinther Sanz

Annie Vinther Sanz

Director of Operations

Annie Vinther Sanz is director of operations at Prometheus Foundation. Prior to joining Prometheus, she worked for more than two decades in international trade, specializing in commodity frame contracts. Subsequently, she worked with the Ayn Rand Institute to launch ARI Europe, and helped to advance awareness of Objectivism and the study of Rand’s ideas in forty-four European countries. Annie speaks six languages fluently.

Prometheus Foundation Programs

Objectivist Venture Fund

The Objectivist Venture Fund (OVF) underwrites organizations and individuals who present strong business plans and proofs of concept for ventures that will promote Ayn Rand’s ideas in substantial ways. Such ventures have included new Ayn Rand centers, book clubs, schools, meet-up groups, seminars, centers of learning, projects within activist organizations, and programs within universities.

Scholarships Program

The Scholarship Program funds talented, up-and-coming scholars who seek to promote Objectivism as a significant part of their career. Objectivists of any age may apply for funds to finance their formal education. Recipients must demonstrate substantial understanding of Objectivism and the ability and intention to promote it.

Productiveness Program

The Productiveness Program provides financial support to accomplished Objectivist intellectuals to help them focus their efforts on high-leverage intellectual work. Productiveness grants can be awarded to help an intellectual market their book, hire an editor, develop courses, hire an assistant, or delegate projects or tasks.

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“The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours.”
—Ayn Rand,
Atlas Shrugged

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