CEVRO Institute
Eszter Nova, Czech Republic

CEVRO Institute is a privately owned university in Prague, Czech Republic. Its president and several staff members are admirers of Ayn Rand and, in January 2019, one of its staff members, Eszter Nova, applied for Prometheus funding to establish a minor in Objectivism for students in CEVRO’s Masters in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (PPE) program. 

Eszter is working with Martin Hooss to improve the curriculum for the courses constituting the minor in Objectivism. Martin himself finished two masters programs at CEVRO last spring, with a minor in Objectivism, and is now running the New Frontiers of Objectivism program for Students For Liberty.

(Worth noting: A young Belarusian man, Piotr Markiełaŭ, who is currently a PPE student and minoring in Objectivism at CEVRO, is internationally famous for having stood up to the Belarusian despot, for which he was arrested and tortured several times during the past year. Fortunately, he is now out of Belarus, safely in Prague, and studying Objectivism.)


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