Özgür Özer, UK

In September 2022, Prometheus Foundation awarded Özgür Özer a scholarship to study for an MA in Digital Media Management (DMM) at Birkbeck University, UK. He wants to pursue a career in DMM with the stated goal of devoting his skills to the advancement of Objectivism within the context of Objectivist organizations, including the Prometheus Foundation Network.

Özgür co-founded the Objectivist Network in Turkey in 2020 and has been studying Objectivism in depth by attending the John Galt School (JGS), the Prometheus Academy in Batumi in 2020, and TOS-CON in 2022. Throughout the past years, he has taught JGS courses online and reading groups of The Virtue of Selfishness in Turkish via the Turkish Objectivist Network, through which he is also working to disseminate these programs in the MENA region.

The master’s course is an evening program in London, so he anticipates working part-time on digital media for the network and looks forward to offering his skills to fellow Objectivists, the Liberty Movement in the UK, and across Europe. He wants to put these new skills to use as soon as possible and anticipates working on media management strategies, providing consultancy, and training network teams across the globe during 2023.

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Atlas Shrugged

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