Dennis Prager, USA

Toward the end of 2020, PragerU received funds to produce three videos (via a grant from Prometheus Foundation) for publication on PragerU’s various channels. They worked with Objective Standard Institute on developing the video content and the videos, which were produced and released in 2021 and currently have a total of 9.7 million views and 5,500 comments. They are:

These videos have had a significant effect on the sales of Rand’s books in all formats. For example, in the week following the release of the Book Club episode on Atlas Shrugged, sales of the book increased as follows:

  • Audio edition sales nearly doubled,
  • Kindle edition sales increased threefold,
  • Paperback sales increased fourfold.

We are planning more activities with PragerU which will come to fruition throughout 2022.

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“The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours.”
—Ayn Rand,
Atlas Shrugged

New Intellectuals