Project Arizona and Liberty International
Jacek Spendel, USA

Since 2017, Prometheus Foundation has been co-funding Jacek Spendel’s Project Arizona. Project Arizona is a semester-long program for ambitious young people in the liberty movement, whereby they attend internships (at Goldwater Institute, among others) and academic seminars at Arizona State University. As a part of this program, students attend day-long workshops on Objectivism. In January 2022, one of these was taught by Carl Barney and Craig Biddle at Carl’s home; another will be taught by Jon Hersey in Arizona.

Jacek also runs the Liberty International conferences, including the 2021 conference in Medellin, Colombia where Jon Hersey gave several talks. And Jacek is currently working on a proposal with the Freedom and Entrepreneurship Foundation in Poland (his native country) to engage with ARC Europe and Berlin Center for Individualist Thought to advance Objectivism in Poland.

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