April was full of pro-liberty events! After NiCON, I went to Lisbon to attend the largest pro-liberty event in Europe. LibertyCon is an event series hosted by Students For Liberty every year twice–once in Europe and once in the US. The event was filled with engaging speakers, informative panels, and opportunities for networking with liberty-minded individuals. A field trip for liberty lovers!
On the first day, I was blown away by the caliber of speakers, each sharing their insights on the role of the state in society, on property rights, and on the importance of a free market economy with respect to environmental concerns. I was particularly drawn to the panel discussion on the influence of Russia on Europe. Alexander Sikorski (Human Rights Foundation) and Maryan Zablotskyy (Member of Parliament in Ukraine) discussed the importance of defending our liberties, especially at times of crisis. Dr. Tom Palmer (Atlas Network) also shared his insights from years of fighting against authoritarian regimes. It was refreshing to be surrounded by people who shared my passion for liberty and individualism.

The second day of the conference was a festival that allowed for more personal interactions with other attendees. I had the opportunity to engage in lively discussions and debates on a range of topics related to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Craig Biddle’s opening speech, “How to Make the Moral Case for Liberty,” was very well attended and very interesting. He emphasized that we should be well-versed in every defense of liberty, but that the moral defense is the strongest case, as it aims at our core values and principles as individuals. Powerful!
Throughout the event, I felt a sense of community with other attendees who shared my values and beliefs on liberty. LibertyCon left me feeling inspired and energized to continue working towards the advancement of liberty and Objectivism. I left the event with a renewed commitment to promoting the values of Objectivism in my own life and in society as a whole.