OSI Achievements to Date

by | Apr 14, 2022 | Announcements

Objective Standard Institute launched its first programs in June 2020, led by Sarah and Craig Biddle, with funding from Prometheus Foundation. The Institute’s mission is to teach people about the importance of philosophy, the principles of Objectivism, and related ideas for living fully and advancing liberty. OSI’s general approach is to meet people at their values—whether self-development, career advancement, entrepreneurship, economics, history, art appreciation, or the art of communication—and show them how rational philosophy integrates with these values and can help them to think more clearly, live more fully, and advocate freedom more effectively.

Toward this end, OSI delivers courses, podcasts, articles, and conferences; trains new intellectuals to write, speak, and teach with precision and clarity; and works with other organizations to advance understanding of the nature and importance of philosophy in general and Objectivism in particular.

Here’s an indication of OSI’s programs and engagements (last updated: Mar. 30, 2022):


We’ve given 36 courses to 827 total students (383 unique students). You’ll find course descriptions here.


We’ve produced 194 podcast episodes, which have been viewed by an average of 534 people per episode.

TOS-Con 2021

Our three day event was attended by 230 people. Talks posted online have garnered an average of 812 views. TOS-Con 2022 will take place in Denver, Colorado on June 22-25.

Social Media and Online Presence

We have 1,223 subscribers to our YouTube, 1,187 followers on Facebook, 709 followers on Twitter, and 394 followers on Instagram. Our website has been visited 109,000 times by 67,000 users.

PragerU Collaborations

We have collaborated with PragerU to produce 3 videos, which have received 9.7 million views and 5,700 comments between them, and resulted in over 1,300 additions to the OSI email list.

Participation in Other Events

We have given talks and/or tabled at more than 8 in-person events and 15 online events, including events hosted by Students For Liberty, the Adam Smith Institute, John Galt Schools, Project Arizona, and Liberty International.

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“The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours.”
—Ayn Rand,
Atlas Shrugged

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